Newsletter Email adress Enter your email address Buyer persona – what else is worth knowing about it? To conduct effective marketing activities you need to deepen your analysis even further and ask yourself another question : Why does the recipient buy what I am selling? This is by no means a senseless exploration of the topic invented by hysterical content specialists. It is also not empty art for art's sake.
Only at this stage do we finally come to the proper understanding of the term buyer persona. Its main task is to place data regarding purchasing behavior in a specific behavioral context. Buyer persona this abst Argentina WhatsApp Number ract creation that we fight so hard for organizes people who are potential buyers and recipients of marketing activities. It gives them a face and allows you to pick out individual people to whom you are addressing from the anonymous crowd of consumers. From the general bag the potential buyer selects groups with clearly outlined characteristics and helps determine what type of message will be most appropriate to help them make a purchase decision .

Thanks to advanced technology and access to numerous tools such as these characteristic groups in the thicket of data determine their general characteristics and then supplement information about each person with details such as preferences regarding holiday trips plans for starting a family attitude towards eating meat and even approximately socioeconomic views. The easiest way to understand this is with an example. Buyer persona and creating a personalized message on the example of Mirek Let's get back to Mirek.