The following article is the author's analysis of the concept of patient management, one of the most important scenarios in the medical and health field, so as to Explain why China is not doing well in producing patient management products today. Let’s read on to learn more! As the concept of digital transformation gradually improves, more and more companies in the traditional pharmaceutical field are deeply involved. Today, let’s talk about the analysis of the concept of patient management, one of the most important scenarios in the medical and health field, and why it cannot be done well in China. What about patient management products?
The author will talk about the product background, value orientation, and practical application, and finally discuss how we should manage patients in our country with reference to excellent foreign successful cases. First, let’s talk about the concept of patient mana Armenia WhatsApp Number gement? Official answer Patient management refers to the management and monitoring of patient medical treatment, treatment, follow-up and other processes through technical means to improve the quality and efficiency of medical services while maintaining the doctor-patient relationship.

The author understands Taking the patient as the center, through technical tools and professional medical diagnosis, the whole process management of the patient's condition from discovery to treatment to recovery is solved. companies and pharmaceutical companies Essential needs Build a doctor-patient patient management platform for patients and doctors to improve the efficiency and quality of medical diagnosis. Actual demand Increase the sales volume of our own drugs and the continued repurchase rate of patients. Hospitals and doctors Hospital needs Solve the overall condition monitoring of patients from hospitalization to discharge to follow-up to recovery, reduce patient recurrence, untimely medical treatment, unreasonable medication, etc.