Whether by answering specific questions or choosing one of the answers presented to them in what is known as (Poll). This type of content is used to quickly analyze the audience and know their reactions to certain matters. You can use this type of content on platforms: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn The YouTube 5. Reports and external content: Some social media platforms allow publishing external content.
For example if you publish an article from your site on your Facebook Telegram Number Data account, then Facebook displays: About the article. Picture of the main sheds. Article link This type of social media content is not the best and most widespread, especially among ordinary users, but it is perhaps the most widespread among professionals and students. You can use this type of content on platforms: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn I also advise you to use this type of content intelligently and write good, attractive summaries to motivate the follower to look at it. You can promote this type of content to: Your articles. E-books. Your professional services on freelance websites. White papers (the reports and guides that companies publish to explain the policies of the services they provide).

News and statistics from popular sites in your field. Now it's time to learn the ways to write attractive and eye-catching content that motivates people to read it, whether in the form of an article, a description of an image, or a video script. Here is a set of strategies that will help you formulate content and transform a group of boring lines into powerful, influential words that achieve the desired results. 1. Surprise strategy This strategy depends on starting the post with something shocking and unusual, which attracts the audience and generates curiosity and a desire to look at the content and so on to explain this surprise. Examples: An exceptional offer that enables you to visit 3 European cities at a very limited cost.