How is the national minimum wage determined? Dorota Łesak September , Blog , Changes in law In mid-September, a regulation was issued specifying the amount of the minimum wage for the next year. National minimum wage - issues discussed Stages of adopting the amount of the minimum wage What does the minimum wage depend on? What influences minimum wages Historical data - for those who like numbers new knowledge in the field of accounting, business and technology once a week. Only valuable information. Wpisz swój adres email Akceptuję regulamin i zapisuję się do newslettera zawierającego informacje o produktach i usługach.
Zapisz się Some people are surprised by the fact that remuneration for work in will increase twice in January and philippines photo editor July of the same year. The annual increase in the minimum wage is the implementation of the requirements imposed by the Act of October on the minimum wage. In certain situations, such an increase must occur twice in the same year. Stages of adopting the amount of the minimum wage The relevant ministry dealing with labor issues.
The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy submits a minimum wage proposal to the Council of Ministers. This is a preliminary proposal. The Council of Ministers RM responds to it - if the proposal is adopted, it is consulted by the Social Dialogue Council RDS , which includes representatives of the government, trade unions and employers' organizations. RDS submits its proposal to the Council of Ministers by July . If he fails to do so, the government itself will set the minimum wage by September.